The Secret Of Getting Results Now

If you’re reading this post, then I’m afraid to say that you are wasting time. I know it’s crazy but almost everything we do is wasting time, even our jobs. If what you’re doing right now is not something related to your dreams or aspirations, or specifically what Stephen Covey refers as Quadrant 2 (non-urgent important things), then you are, in a way, wasting time. What you want is to get results in things that matter in your life. It’s important to ask these questions first: Are you not achieving any of your goals? Do you have any goals at all or have you yielded in neglecting them? Any...

5 Cornerstones That Made Me Dream High And Deep

Wherever we are right now in life is traceable to the decisions and actions we made in the past. Therefore, I am a unique embodiment of everything in the past. This got me thinking, why am I this person now and what were the things, big or small, that shaped me? If you had the chance to read a couple of my entries here on this blog, you may recognize the suggestions of positivism in each of them. Perhaps you see a pattern of me trying (at times too hard) to show to you that there’s a better way – that positivity is just right at the corner. I’d like you to know that I am not the person...

10 Things To Look For In A Partner

I’m going to put my love guru hat today and share some thoughts on relationship. For singles or even for people in a relationship, you may have your own standards on what to look for in a partner. As a single guy for a year and a half now, I’m starting to wonder if I’m setting too high of a standard for a woman (or if I even deserve to look for high standards to begin with). It got me into thinking on the qualities that I'm looking for in a partner. I’m going to share this to you and hopefully you keep an open mind to it. Of course feel free to react in whatever action necessary if I mentioned...

7 Benefits Of Being Positive

It’s always easier to feel down and complain on how bad the world is. I don’t know what has gotten into us that we find it comfortable to blame others and the world for most of our miseries. I used to be like that. In fact, I was the worst of its kind. I don’t see opportunities, I hate my college course, I hate my parents for settling in middle-class, I wish they had a business setup already and I'll just inherit it, I hoped for the government to stop getting our taxes, they just put it in their pockets anyway, I hate Mondays and Sundays (Sundays just because the next day is Monday), and...

What Everybody Ought to Know About Fear

“Fear is the surest definition of yourself.” One of the quotes that struck me in one book that I read. We usually think of fear as something that we can’t face. But to really think of it. Fear, like the ads say, is really nothing. Let me tell you some of the concepts that I gathered through books, materials, experiences, and self-taught concepts that I acquired through the years. Here are some of them. Fear is natural and you formed most of it when you were a kid Don’t blame yourself if you have a lot of fears or insecurities. Most often than not, you got those when you were a kid....

5 Wonderful Ways To Value Time

Time is probably the most wasted asset. Let’s admit it, most of us take time for granted. Some of us may already have realized that this separates us from people who make things happen. Those people who have offered something substantial to the world actually have the same-dear-old 24 hours each day. We don’t value time and we carelessly manage it. The results are devastating: depression, delays, rat race, and any of the sorts. You might be one of these, one who finds it hard to sleep because they are guilty of not doing anything for what they want to become or for what they want to get....

I’m A Year Old Member Of Truly Rich Club

Time flies so fast that I’ve already invested in the stock market for a year already. I know it’s such a short time in relevance to my long-term goal of investing for 20 years. Nonetheless, I couldn’t have made it without the help of Mr. Bo Sanchez and the Truly Rich Club. I’m basically a year old as well with the club since it’s my principal aid in trading with stocks back when I was (still am now) a newbie. I’d just like to share my experience, some of the key points I learned over the months, and an interesting present that you might want to check out. Thank you Truly Rich Club Truly...