Random Acts Of Kindness, Senseless Acts Of Beauty

“Random acts of kindness, senseless acts of beauty” has been one of the alluring concepts I’ve encountered in this life. I would like to share how this concept might change your life in little ways. But first, we should understand the reason behind kindness. The word itself lets me imagine opening a box of questions. Questions like: What is kindness, really? Does the world deserve kindness? Do people really return favors? Do we do something beautiful even nobody notices it? These and so on… I’ll be honest, I considered myself as a selfish person. It seems that being selfish is my second...

Mutual Fund Curious

Hey guys. Here’s another financial post regarding one more investment model called Mutual Funds. I have been into Stocks for a year now but that does not stop me from reviewing other investments models. Mutual funds for one is a very interesting model that I’ll be joining very soon. I firmly believe that when it comes to passive investments, it is always best to diversify. This is exactly what I’m trying to do in this early stage of my life - that is is to try every investment option and eventually figure out, through a means of evaluation, what’s the most effective of them all. By then,...

I Don’t Know How To Write

I have a problem with writing that is, I don’t know how to write. I always feel unskillful with the way I put my ideas to words; and I’m going to be honest I don’t know how to construct a sentence, effectively that is. I came to know myself as more of an idea guy who can’t relay his message properly. I see this because when I speak, people either don’t get me or don’t listen. Furthermore, when I had a writing job before, I always get negative feedbacks from the copywriter. They said that I just don’t sound well, the voice, it’s not native sounding, improper use or not using idioms the right...

Investing Versus Saving In Bank

Perhaps you’ve thought of saving money? If you haven’t, you can read my previous post about savings. In this post, I will share my views on investing in comparison to saving in banks. You may already have encountered some people who talk about investments and how it is way better than saving your money in banks. Yet, in some instances, you might also hear that investments are not worth it and it’s better to be safe and save your money in the bank. Well, the answer is, it depends. The choice greatly relies on what you see as purpose of your money. You have total control of the cash...