Procrastination or simply the fear of accomplishing things

Yep I have written something out because i have so much "lesser time" once again. I tend to have a lot of things to do when i choose not doing the real things that i should do. Moreover, when you work longer you tend to have lesser and lesser things to do. Damn! That was a lot of "do's" in a sentence. harhar. I know... I ache in english.... But anyways, back to the topic. Such "occurrence" is a natural phenomenon for me. Indeed, I am a slave of the sad old procrastination. It's always sweet to do things that are not important. I realized that i love to procrastinate, but as i go deeper...

Skullcandy skullcrusher indeed

What the heck is wrong with this set of headphones?? I can't make use of it for a longer time. It literally crushes my head. I should have read the name first before even thinking of purchasing it.  Anyway,  I had the device for three years now but I haven't really used it that much till  now. Boy! It was horrible. I cant even enjoy a single movie wearing it. The side of my head aches. Geez... I'm considering to buy a new one. This time, I think I'll go for studio type of headsets. This time with a good fit, of course. I want snug but not too tight. Anyhow, eyeing on the...

What happens when you lack a finger on both hands and you need hand gestures for the trackpad of MacBook pro?

It would be miserable right? You can’t do the gestures of swiping and doing expose and all in the MacBook laptop. Luckily, I have my fingers complete. It’s just got me thinking what if I have such misfortune. Why I’m writing this post is simply to share my thoughts on how it could get for you to lack something very essential. We should be happy with what we have.. bla bla bla. Yes its totally nonsense, but you get what I mean. So be happy. I wish that was simple. Right now I’m depressed without knowing why I get to be. Could it be the hangover from beer? It’s a depressant so I’m guessing it...