How To Start Investing in the Philippine Stock Market

I know I’ve been telling people about stock market however, I haven't really fully, even begun, to explain the whole thing. Silly me. Let me start by saying, “Anyone can invest in the stock market.” Yes, Anyone. Through the help of truly rich club, this post will try to define, basically, what stock market is and how it works.  I’ll try to be as brief and as lay man's terms as possible. To explain stock market, one just has to think of 3 things 1. buying shares from companies; 2. let the value grow; and 3. selling them on a favored, later time. First off, the only term you need to...

I Am The Mountain I Am The Sea

If you noticed my profile here in blogger, you'd see a lot of nice description about me. Basically, they  are labels that I want to call myself. I found out that I wanted to be that person someday.  Unfortunately, I was wrong about two things: I don't want it and it won't be someday. I don't want it I was a kid when it first dawned that I want to be someone great. Someone worth remembering or someone who could be written in someone else's journal, blog or book. When I was 23 I realized that I could be anything I want as long as I believed in it. I'm glad I joined PALS (Personal...

What You Create Today Matters Tomorrow

I checked my stock market portfolio on COL and I've realized that it's almost a year that I've subscribed to Bo's  "Truly Rich Club". I'm glad to see that the shares' value were sloping upward and with no detriments. It's going as planned. However, what I realize too is I haven't given much thought about the whole stock market thing at all. I just place passive money and trade as advised. I was not that excited at all. But yesterday, after seeing the big picture created after several months, something came out... a surge of ideas came flying out, which got me excited, even avaricious. It's...