What I Learned From Using An Old Computer For Work

Life is full of surprises! So I just got this laptop back after a month. It cost me a lot just for the repairs. But the results were ironically pleasant. It was not that I was so happy my Mac is back, but because of the experience. It was inevitable to use my old desktop. Who would have thought I get things done with an old dual core, Windows 7,  2 gigabytes of RAM computer bought four years ago. But for me using an old desktop and feeling miserable is not the point. Actually, a lot of surprises and blessings just kept on coming ever since that minor fallback. In just three weeks...

The Only Secret You Need In Life - Stephen Covey's Quadrants

Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People is one of the most influential books in my life. In this book, you will learn about forming habits, leadership, and getting to know what you really want. However, the concept I’m going to share today is what many people consider as the meat of the book. It’s the four quadrants. I heard of his quadrants even before I read the book. I got to be honest with you, I just finished the book just recently and I’m glad to say that I have a better understanding of the concept now.  I’ve been trying to apply this in my life, and I could...

How To Find An Online Job (Part 1)

I have been working online for about three years now. It’s on and off, yet it’s fascinating to consider that majority of my income comes from this unique stream. Looking back, I recognized that I reached a long way in this interesting career. I remembered my first time, with no idea where to start. This is why I’d like to share my experience on finding an online job. You might be surprised that landing a job online is easy as long as you persist and know the basics. This topic is longer than I thought, so I went ahead and divided it into three sections. First is about the skills to have...