Procrastination or simply the fear of accomplishing things

Yep I have written something out because i have so much "lesser time" once again. I tend to have a lot of things to do when i choose not doing the real things that i should do. Moreover, when you work longer you tend to have lesser and lesser things to do. Damn! That was a lot of "do's" in a sentence. harhar. I know... I ache in english.... But anyways, back to the topic. Such "occurrence" is a natural phenomenon for me. Indeed, I am a slave of the sad old procrastination. It's always sweet to do things that are not important. I realized that i love to procrastinate, but as i go deeper...

Skullcandy skullcrusher indeed

What the heck is wrong with this set of headphones?? I can't make use of it for a longer time. It literally crushes my head. I should have read the name first before even thinking of purchasing it.  Anyway,  I had the device for three years now but I haven't really used it that much till  now. Boy! It was horrible. I cant even enjoy a single movie wearing it. The side of my head aches. Geez... I'm considering to buy a new one. This time, I think I'll go for studio type of headsets. This time with a good fit, of course. I want snug but not too tight. Anyhow, eyeing on the...

What happens when you lack a finger on both hands and you need hand gestures for the trackpad of MacBook pro?

It would be miserable right? You can’t do the gestures of swiping and doing expose and all in the MacBook laptop. Luckily, I have my fingers complete. It’s just got me thinking what if I have such misfortune. Why I’m writing this post is simply to share my thoughts on how it could get for you to lack something very essential. We should be happy with what we have.. bla bla bla. Yes its totally nonsense, but you get what I mean. So be happy. I wish that was simple. Right now I’m depressed without knowing why I get to be. Could it be the hangover from beer? It’s a depressant so I’m guessing it...

A Window to the Future

Wouldn't it be great to see the future in a window and see yourself on the other side having all the things that you have been dreaming of today? I call this a window to the future. It is a great invention I hope to create (or created). It goes like this. It started when I thought about some experts telling us to dream and work for that dream. I realized that with dedication, that dream becomes a picture in the mind. Then it becomes a thought. This soon manifests and it turns out to be a painting. Yes, a real painting that you can touch, feel and understand what it tries to say. But I want...

Facebook making people jealous and vain!

Have you noticed how facebook makes people jealous of others and also make them feel vain? Let's start with jealousy. One  may feel it creep in as you watch other people's Facebook wall, looking at their pics, vids, current activities, and anything that is comparable to your life. It's funny how we stare in awe at times (on how great their life has become) but at the same time disgusted -- even hopeful for a misfortune to fall upon them to cease them achieving what they have. This is quite toxic and let's admit, I think everyone feels the same way (sometimes). However, what i see...

Walking Dreams

Doug Firebaugh mentioned, “Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.” It is such a wonderful quote that made me think about my dreams and aspirations and of course the future. The world today is a different world. We see a lot of hardships, failures and all those related stuff. Sometimes we worry too much that we forget about our dreams and the opportunity within us and surrounding us. This is bad, people tend to forget, in the end, we question what we are all about. Dreams define people and people define dreams. It is a mystery that we face and we ought not to understand...

The meaning of Death

Death is a ceaseless occurrence or phenomenon that all living would someday face. I just visited two funerals last weekend and it was a new experience that led me to ask the question, "Why do people die?" One of my teacher said that we live to die. For me, it's like a pessimistic way of seeing that we are living but it's temporary for we are bound to die. To think of it, we are here to live in this temporary world, with temporary feelings, temporary smiles and sadness, and whatsoever. Maybe people wanted to die after all and get away from all these "temporariness." The burden of these...

Fail with consequence, lose with eloquence and smile.

Was my favorite line from the song "consequence" by notwist, a very good song to listen and I just thought of sharing it to people. This song definitely makes me think a lot, and at the same time, makes you think less. I know its kinda weird, but these kinds of songs would be a perfect fit for background music especially areas of our lives where we feel like we're in movies, or lapses of infinity, or moments where we are hypnotized. Life, enormous as it may be, is totally like music for me. You just open your ears, like what you do when you open your eyes. I let the colors of the song sink in,...


Why do people prejudge? Why do they do such mean things to others? What do they know about us and why do they even judge as at first glance or first actions? I realized that people are naturally stupid. We think that the world we create in our mind is the actual thing we have in the real world. We always create an image in our mind from mere facts or even first views or first sound. What a total failure... If the community is composed by such fools, they will all end up in war or bickering and all those related stuff. It's a crime to prejudge.. Yesterday I had met such person, she thinks she...

Thank you for all the good people

It’s really awesome how you see other people helping or reaching out to other people. There was this one time that a kiddo helped another kiddo and that was just pure awesomeness. It is art in motion, it really is. Try to consider this: the world full of helping people won’t be called world or earth anymore, I’ll call it paradise. Genuine care for others is truly a challenge that requires someone to genuinely care to their selves as well. You can’t care for others if you can’t even take care of yourself. Ironic on how some people, give all they got to care for others and in the end they don’t...

How to get inspiration?

A lot of people ask questions like, “how can I be inspired?” Well somehow I learned a bit on how to do it. I don’t know how I came to this but I realize that inspiration is a good thing that keeps you moving on and makes you smile at times, even at weird times when you are riding in the jeepney alone or something like that. Inspiration keeps us going. People love to act under the influence of inspiration. Now how to be inspired? Simple, it is simply thinking positive! Always think of what you can do in your life, on how to make "you" a better person. These thoughts actually act like drivers...


I started talking to a friend about anything, started sharing some music, and warned not to share it with anybody. I don't know, if I started to like a band, you don't want anyone else liking it.  When a band becomes too famous it loses its "famousness." Then I started talking about friendly people. Friendly people lose their friendliness as well if they become too friendly or touchy or whatever. Yep I realize that  as well. Some people really don't talk to you, and they try real hard to do that, just to look cool. Yep I bet at the back of their mind is the concept of "being too friendly...


I figured out that humans, along with their insatiable wants and needs, are pursued by jealousy. It's a disease that we have since we have recognition. It's an unfair world, we may look up to others and we may sometimes look down. An unfair world it is. A world of jealous eyes and minds. How can one survive? I don't know the answer yet, but to be happy with what you've got, is maybe one. But still we ask for more. Humans oh humans. This never ending chase for something great is indeed addicting. We can never limit ourselves, but as well we can never really satisfy “us.” Are we bound for desp...